torek, 12. marec 2013


We spent a pleasant evening in Solkan at Žogica: good company and work on trees. S. Primorska group of Tora bonsai school branch is becoming more and more homogenous and working in this group is really special. Let's see: Gregor was working on elegant Prunus mahaleb with a lot of dead wood made by nature. Half of the trunk is dead and hollowed by time and Karst weather. This tree especially remnides on Japanese Prunus Mume in character. .
V Solkanu pri Žogici smo preživeli prijeten večer: dobra družba in delo na drevesih. S. Primorska skupina podružnice Tora postaja vedno bolj homogena in druženje je res prijetno. Pa poglejmo: Gregor je delal na elegantni rešeliki z mrtvim lesom, ki ga je izdelala narava. Pol debla je mrtvega in izdolbenega s časom in kraškim vremenom. To drevo po karakterju še posebej spominja na japonske Prunus mume.
We started with the analysis of the tree. We set the front, from which you can see nebari, movement, live vein and dead wood. In short: everything you should see. All branches on the tree practically grew from one part of the trunk, so we work around this issue a lot. The result was a sketch, Grega then tryed to style the tree as close to that sketch as possible. It is an elegant silhouette, for literati style there are still too many branches on the tree, but nevertheless the trunk with dead wood is nicely highlighted.
Začeli smo z analizo drevesa. Določili prednjo stran, s katere se vidi nebari, gibanje, živa vena in suh les. Skratka vse, kar se tudi mora. Vse veje na materijalu so praktično rastle iz enega dela debla, zato smo tej težavi namenili še posebno pozornost. Nastala je skica, ki se ji je Grega v nadaljevanju skušal čim bolj približati. Gre za elegantno silhueto, za literati je na drevesu še vedno preveč vej, ampak kljub temu je deblo z suhim lesom lepo poudarjeno.
Grega progressed nicely in the three previous sessions and last night he did a step even further.
Grega je že na treh dosedanjih seansah lepo napredoval, sinoči je z samostojnim delom napravil še korak naprej.
The result is very similar to the sketch, crown a little bit too big, but with defoliation and summer pruning Grega can quickly get completely close to the sketch. And he must look out for a suitable round pot of course!
Rezultat je zelo podoben skici; krošnja je sicer še nekoliko prevelika, toda z razlistenjem in poletnim obrezovanjem se lahko Grega skici hitro popolnoma približa. In poišče primerno okroglo posodo seveda!
Sandi has worked under the watchful eye of his daughter:
Sandi je delal pod budnim očesom hčerke:
Matjaž helped Bojan with spruce, teher is a lot of work and this will be the first step. David continued to work on the Taxus.
Matjaž je Bojanu pomagal na smreki, na kateri je ogromno dela in bo napravila prvi korak, David je nadaljeval delo na tisi.
At the end, a surprise: Sandi didn't repair the sewer - from an underground spring of the Soča river he dug out a bottle of top, with a special procedure aged wine. A pleasure for body and soul. Cheers!
Ob koncu pa še presenečenje: Sandi ni popravljal kanalizacije, ampak je iz podzemnega pritoka Soče izbrskal steklenico vrhunskega, po posebnem postopku staranega vina. Užitek za telo in duha. Na zdravje!

PS: Anyone who would like to progress in bonsaism and if location meets you, welcome to our company!
P.S.:  Vsi, ki bi radi napredovali v bonsajizmu in vam lokacija skupine ustreza, vabljeni v našo družbo!

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