četrtek, 14. marec 2013


Last session of the Tora group was more entertaining than enlightening :-)! Janez was working on his big spruce but in the meanwhile he also took care of good mood for all of us. Even such evenings sometimes are good!
Zadnja seansa skupine Tora je bila bolj zabavna kot poučna :-) ! Janez je med delom na smreki skrbel za dobro voljo vseh. Tudi takšni večeri včasih dobro denejo!
Marija just smiled and worked on her Tilia, Matej was working on his excellent Pinus mugo.
Marija se je le nasmihala in delala na lipi, Matej pa na odličnem ruševju.

Matej's mugo pine has been the subject of analysis, material offers several solutions, we highlighted the two possible variants: semi-cascade and upright form.
Matejevo ruševje je bilo predmet analize, materijal ponuja več rešitev; poglobili smo se v dve mogoči varijanti: pol kaskado in pokončno obliko.


Personally, I think that han-kengai would be much more dynamic and it will took more of the potential of the tree than upright style. But since the tree is Matej's naturally he has the last word on it. And everyone has a different taste. It is important to know what material has to offer and why we decided the way we are. Matej already re poted the pine in an upright position with the intention that it will be designed in this style.
Osebno se mi zdi, da bi bila pol kaskada veliko bolj dinamična in bi potencial drevesa izkoristila bolj kot pokončni slog. A ker je drevo Matejevo ima seveda zadnjo besedo on. In tudi okusi so različni. Pomembno je, da vemo, kaj materijal omogoča in zakaj smo se odločili tako, kot smo se. Matej je bor že enkrat presadil in ga postavil v pokončni položaj prav z namenom, da ga bo oblikoval v tem slogu.
I have been working on Crategus. The tree was collected last year and started to grow really well, now it began a long way to bonsai. I cut all the excess branches, bend thicker ones and wired the new ones in the position. Now comes the creation of new branches and crown.
Jaz sem se ukvarjal z glogom. Lani izkopano drevo je lepo pognalo, zdaj je začelo dolgo pot do bonsaja. Porezane so bile vse odvečne veje, debelejše ukrivljene in nove usmerjene v pozicijo. Zdaj pride na vrsto vzgoja novih vej in krošnje.

An interesting fact is that at least for now Slovenian bonsaists prefer Cottynus over Crategus. Even though it seems to me that the Cottynus is far more difficult to grow in to bonsai because of  the way of its growth then Crategus is. But time will tell!

1 komentar:

Anonimni pravi ...

Kakšne izkušnje imaš pri kopanju glogov iz narave? Sam sem jih poskusil izkopati nekaj, pa sem pri praktično vseh ugotovil, da imajo zelo dolge "paličaste" korenine, z dolgim odsekom brez najtanjših korenin, potrebnih za prehranjevanje. Le te so šele zelo daleč od koreninskega vratu.