petek, 1. marec 2013


In our mountains spruces grow more or less upright. Only now and then you can come across a tree with a little more movement. Miha has found a spruce that has a great line; this is very unusual for this species - but interesting - he didn't like it. And the tree has found a way into my garden! :-) I'm glad and Miha is glad as well!
Smreke po naših hribih rastejo bolj ali manj pokončno. Le tu in tam naletiš na tako z malce več gibanja. Miha je našel smreko, ki ima izrazito linijo, za to vrsto zelo nenavadno, a mu, zanimivo, ni bila všeč. In drevo je našlo pot v moj vrt! :-) Jaz vesel, Miha pa tudi!
Starting material
Now is time for the analysis. Given the fact that the green mass is only at the end of long branch with a strong line, there were just two solutions. The first was han-kengai, but the last part before the crown would be too straight then and totally inconsistent with the rest of the tree. This part of the branch is impossible to bend because it is alive only in the rear, in the front is dead wood.
Zdaj pa k analizi. Glede na to, da je zelenje samo na koncu dolge veje z izrazito linijo, sta se na prvi pogled ponujali dve rešitvi. Prva je pol kaskada, vendar bi bil zadnji del pred krošnjo preveč raven in popolnoma v nasprotju s preostalim drevesom. Tisti del veje je namreč nemogoče kriviti, ker je živa samo v zadnjem delu, spredaj pa je mrtev les.
First possible solution: han-kengai
So, another option has been considered: bending branch up and  the crown over the "number eight", which consists of crooked trunk.
Tako je prišla v poštev druga opcija, s krivljenjem veje navzgor in krošnjo nad "osmico", ki jo tvori skrivljeno deblo.
Second solution
In the part where I intended to bend I wrapped the branch in a wet clothand let it on for 24 hours. Wet wood is more flexibleThen I put on the raffia and started to gradually bending. The whole process of bending lasted almost two hours. The tension in the branch gradually released and there was no danger of breaking. Inch by inch ...
Vejo sem v delu, kjer sem se jo namenil kriviti, zavil v mokro krpo in jo 24 ur močil, da je les postal prožnejši. Sledilo je nameščanje rafije in postopno krivljenje. Celoten postopek krivljenja je trajal skoraj dve uri. V veji se je tako napetost postopoma sproščala in ni bilo nevarnosti, da bi se zlomila. Centimeter za centimetrom ...
The branch landed in exactly desired position
At the end the branch landed in exactly desired position. Yet something was not right. Dead wood was now at the back, and even in this position the straight line in upper part of the branch was not good. But there are group sessions at Tora school! Together with students we found that the solution was simple - tree should only be turned around and another front was here! :-) Simple solution, which had until then been hidden because the initial position of the crown was on a completely different side, below. This is it - the tree again told us what to do. This front is more attractive, the straight line is now broken, dead wood in the upper part of the branch can be seen.
Na koncu je veja pristala v natančno željeni poziciji. A vendar nekaj ni bilo v redu. Mrtev les je bil zdaj zadaj, tudi v tej poziciji pa je motila ravnina v zadnjem delu veje. A zato so tu skupinske seanse v šoli Tora. Skupaj s študenti smo ugotovili, da je rešitev enostavna - drevo je treba samo obrniti in izbrati drugo sprednjo stran! :-) Enostavna rešitev, ki pa se je do takrat skrivala, ker je bila začetna pozicija krošnje na povsem drugi strani spodaj. To je to - drevo je spet samo povedalo, kako in kaj. Ta sprednja stran je atraktivnejša, ravnina je razbita, mrtev les v zgornjem delu veje se vidi.
The new front

"Number eight" from behind

Detail from the front
This is it for the first phase. The next step will be made ​​in late August, when the tree wil be wired and styled.
Za prvo fazo je to dovolj. Naslednji korak bo storjen konec avgusta, ko bo ožičena in oblikovana krošnja.  

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