Last night's session of S. Primorska branch of Tora bonsai school has shown that we opened a branch in the right place. The interest has been huge at the second meeting, some new students came by, slowly we will have to limit the number of trees in the workshop, as we can not devote to all one hundred percent. Again karst species prevailed. We all know that the ultimate success depends on the choice of material, the potential of the initial tree. If ther is no potential, then the result can not be good. And the really good material is very rare and very valuable. But on only two previous workshops we have already worked on two great trees with great potential. This is well above average! And this time I will talk about these two trees.
Sinočnja seansa S. Primorske podružnice šole Tora je pokazala, da smo z odpiranjem podružnice na tem koncu zadeli v črno. Zanimanje je bilo že na drugem srečanju ogromno, prišli so novi obrazi, počasi bomo morali omejiti število dreves na delavnici, saj se ne moremo stoodstotno posvetit vsem. Spet so prevladovale kraške vrste. Vsi vemo, da je končni uspeh odvisen od izbora materijala, od potenciala, ki ga ima začetno drevo. Če tega ni, potem tudi rezultat ne more biti vrhunski. In res dober materijal je zelo redek in nadvse dragocen. Toda na samo dveh dosedanjih delavnicah smo že delali na dveh vrhunskih drevesih z velikim potencialom. Kar je veliko nad povprečjem! In tokrat bom predstavil prav ti drevesi.
The first is Bojan's Prunus mahaleb at which we started to work on last time. Now, Bojan completed the work and the tree is ready for re pot in first bonsai pot. Then the crown must mature and in two years the tree will be ready for exhibition. The story of this Prunus is four years long:
Prva je Bojanova rešelika, na kateri smo začeli delati že zadnjič. Zdaj je Bojan delo dokončal in drevo je nared za presaditev v prvo bonsajsko posodo. Potem mora krošnja še dozoreti in v dveh letih bo že pripravljena na razstavo. Njena zgodba je dolga štiri leta:
Spring 2009, Prunus mahaleb was collected
In November 2010 ready for first styling
After first styling
At the last workshop we analyzed the tree and from all posibilities of the front - after making compromises - we selected the front "g".
Na prejšnji delavnici smo drevo analizirali in izmed vseh prednjih strani, ki jih je ponujala, po sprejemanju kompromisov, izbrali stran "g".
February 2013, as it arrived at workshop
Matjaž in Bojan working
First, it was necessary to reduce the jin, which was too big and, ultimately, will be even smaller. Then came the selection of branches so that the structure is correct and then carefully wiring started. The result is a classic moyogi, strong tree that calls for contemplation. As I said, later this year Bojan will re pot it in carefully selected pot, and then continue working on the tree, which must mature.
Najprej je bilo treba zmanjšati džin, ki je bil prevelik in predominanten, v končni fazi, bo še manjši. Potem je prišla na vrsto selekcija vej, da je struktura pravilna in nato natančno žičenje. Rezultat je klasičen mojogi, močno drevo, ki kar kliče po kontemplaciji. Kot rečeno jo bo Bojan še letos presadil v skrbno izbrano posodo in nato še naprej delal na krošnji, ki mora dozoreti.
After styling
White background for better visibility of the structure
Four years in one picture
Although the Cottynus is a species, which due to the way of growth is not the most appropriate species for bonsai, the specimen collected by Gregor is still worth the effort. The tree has an incredible nebari, which will be the main attraction of this bonsai. Gregor worked on dead wood, wired primary branches and the top and now the hard work will folow. He will trie to grow the impressive crown, if he is going to succeed, then the result will be fantastic!
Čeprav je ruj vrsta, ki po mojih izkušnjah zaradi načina rasti ni najbolj primerna vrsta za bonsaj, pa je primerek, ki ga je izkopal Gregor vseeno vreden truda. Drevo ima neverjeten nebari, ki bo glavna zanimivost tega bonsaja. Gregor je obdelal suh les, ožičil primarne veje in vrh in zdaj ga čaka trdo delo. Poskušal bo vzgojiti prepričljivo krošnjo; če mu bo to uspelo, potem bo rezultat fantastičen!
Also the other trees in the workshop were beautiful, but in quality were far behind the above two. Search for good material is anyway the never completed task. At the last two workshops I also learned about the areas in which members of the branch are lacking the knowledge, so the first half hour of the next meeting will be dedicated to short lecture!
Tudi druga drevesa na delavnici so bila lepa, a vendar po kvaliteti so precej zaostajala za zgornjima dvema. Iskanje dobrega materijala pa je tako ali tako nikoli dokončana naloga bonsajistov. Na zadnjih dveh delavnicah sem tudi spoznal, na katerih področjih članom podružnice znanje najbolj šepa, zato bo prve pol ure naslednjega srečanja posvečena predavanju!
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