This is one of my first trees in my collection. Far from good, even further form perfection, but on this Prunus mahaleb I am working for full 12 years! Despite of all mistakes I've done to it, it is one of my favorites. We have done a long way and we are far from finish. In a months or so It will get a great pot by my friend Tom Benda. It deserves that pot!
Tole je eno prvih dreves v moji zbirki. Daleč od tega, da bi bila dobra, kaj šele popolna, toda na tej rešeliki delam že polnih 12 let. (Za vse, ki čakate, da se bo vaš bonsaj odebelil ;-) ) Kljub vsem napakam, ki jih je pretrpela, ostaja ena najljubših. Prehodila sva dolgo pot a še zdaleč nisva na cilju. Čez kak mesec bo dobila vrhunsko posodo prijatelja Toma Bende. Si jo zasluži!

Prunus mahaleb, 1999 - starting material
Prunus mahaleb, 2012 - before
Prunus mahaleb, 2012 - after wiring
Prunus mahaleb, 2012 - with pot by Tom Benda
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